Burns may occur for many different reasons. There are 4 degrees of burns. We will explain them in detail in this article. Because burns can be psychologically and physically damaging, there are different treatment methods, including surgical and non-surgical, such as laser treatment, which is considered one of the latest and most advanced methods for treating burn scars. The type of treatment is determined after an examination with Dr. Wael Ghanem, a consultant in plastic surgery and congenital defects, because not all degrees of burns can be treated with lasers.
Causes of burns:
1. Fire.
2. Hot steam and liquids.
3. Hot metals and glass.
4. Some chemicals, such as alkaline wash, strong acids, and paint thinner.
5. Electrical currents.
6. Sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
7. X-rays.
Burn degrees:
First-degree burns:
These are the least dangerous and occur in the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), and the skin becomes red and swollen. This degree of burn does not cause serious complications or permanent damage, and it does not leave scars.
Second-degree burns:
These occur in the outer two layers of the skin (the epidermis and dermis). The skin becomes moist, and blisters appear. Some chronic scars will remain on the burn site.
Third-degree burns:
This degree goes beyond the outer layers of the skin and reaches the tissues under it. In this case, the skin becomes waxy and may be rough. This degree may affect the nerves, leading to numbness or tingling in the affected area.
Fourth-degree burns:
It is the most dangerous degree because it reaches the nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bones, and the skin turns black or charred. The person does not feel pain due to the severe nerve damage.
Complications of burns:
1. Scarring in the outer layers of the skin, which may reach the internal tissues.
2. Contamination in the case of improper care of the burn area, according to the doctor's instructions.
3. Low body temperature due to skin injury.
4. Loss of blood volume (hypovolemia) due to damage to blood vessels and skin that protects us from losing fluids from our bodies, which may affect the efficiency of the heart muscle and other organs.
5. Respiratory failure due to suffocation from the intense smoke resulting from the fire.
Laser removal of burn scars:
The treatment is done by directing a beam of concentrated light waves to remove old cells and scars, get rid of redness and pain, form new cells, and stimulate the skin to secrete important amino acids to increase skin freshness, radiance, and vitality. There are many types of lasers used to treat burn scars, which are determined according to the case.
Who are the candidates for burn scar removal by laser?
1. Those with second- or third-degree burns.
2. There are no obstacles to exposure to light waves, such as skin sensitivity.
3. Failure of traditional and local treatment methods to remove burn scars.
4. The presence of scars that affect the external appearance, such as the face or areas visible to people.
Types of laser removal of burn scars:
1. Fractional laser:
This device helps reach the deep layers of the skin to remove pigmented cells and stimulate collagen for cell renewal.
2. Carbon dioxide and erbium lasers:
The carbon dioxide laser removes deep scars, while the erbium laser treats superficial scars. These types of lasers are known as skin ablation and renewal lasers.
3. Carbon laser:
This type of laser is used to treat facial burns and has resulted in numerous satisfactory results for many burn victims.
4. Using lasers without removing layers:
An infrared thermal laser is used to reach the last layers of the skin, which stimulates collagen to replace damaged cells with new and more vibrant cells.
The cost of laser burn scar removal:
There is no specific cost, as several factors determine the price, such as:
1. The laser type used.
2. The number of scars.
3. The size of each scar.
4. The number of sessions.
5. Anesthesia in necessary cases.
6. Medications prescribed by the doctor before and after the procedure.
Tips before laser burn scar removal:
1. Stop smoking two weeks before the procedure.
2. Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin.
3. Do not use cosmetic products containing certain substances, such as glycolic acid and retinol, one month or two weeks before the procedure.
4. Do not expose the skin to sunlight for long periods.
The recovery period after laser burn scar removal:
The recovery period takes between 3 and 10 days, and the patient may experience skin peeling during the first week. Dr. Wael Ghanem prescribes appropriate moisturizing methods to reduce irritation.
Surgical treatment of burn scars:
If the person suffers from severe burns, especially fourth-degree and some third-degree cases, then treatment through surgery is the appropriate solution.
Types of surgical removal of burn scars:
1. Skin grafting:
This involves removing or excising skin from a healthy area of the body and transplanting it to the affected area, such as a full-thickness graft or a partial-thickness graft. The donor area is covered with dressings to protect it from infection. The recovery period takes about three weeks.
2. Reconstructive surgery:
Skin, muscle, and bone, along with the original blood supply from the donor area, are transferred to the injured site to rebuild the area again. The recovery period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks.
3. Microsurgery:
During the procedure, a microscope repairs damaged nerves and arteries and stitches small blood vessels.
4. Tissue expansion:
This medical procedure helps the body grow skin for use in reconstructive procedures. This procedure is done by introducing a saline solution that helps the skin grow and expand slowly. When the excess skin grows, it is used to rebuild the affected and damaged parts of the body. One of the most important advantages of this surgical procedure is the uniformity of skin tone and texture appropriate to the area that needs reconstruction. However, on the other hand, the drawback of this procedure is its length, which may extend up to 4 months.
Expected results after surgical removal of burn scars:
Over time, the patient will notice some changes in the color, appearance, and texture of the skin, but he should be patient because many desired results take some time. Also, there is no need to worry about numbness or tingling sensations because they are normal and will improve with time.
What about first- and second-degree burns?
When the injury is on a small area of the skin, in the first or second degree, some simple procedures can be used, such as:
1. Apply cosmetic products derived from Aloe Vera for their effectiveness in moisturizing the skin and relieving pain.
2. Apply cold water at 10–25 degrees to cool the burn.
3. Cover the burn with sterile gauze, avoiding putting pressure on the area.
4. Avoid trying to squeeze the blisters to avoid infecting the area, and in the case of blister rupture, the area should be cleaned with water and soap, using an antibiotic ointment, and the wound should be dressed.
Now, you can get rid of burn scars and end the psychological embarrassment you are going through with the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, Dr. Wael Ghanem, a consultant of plastic surgery and corrective surgery for congenital defects.