Most women seek to have clear, radiant, and full facial skin. Some factors, such as aging, affect the beauty of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, the majority of women go for filler injections.
What is a filler injection?
A filler injection is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure because it does not require a surgical incision. It is used to reduce the severity of wrinkles in the skin. It is also used for other purposes, such as enhancing and plumping the lips by injecting a specific gel-like substance. This substance inflates a specific area, acting as an internal filling for areas with reduced fat in the face. The materials used in filler injections vary between natural substances, such as fat or collagen injections, and synthetic materials, such as synthetic polymers. Therefore, the term "filler" is not the name of the injected substance but rather the name of the technique used. The type of injected substance is determined by the doctor based on several factors, such as the area to be injected, the nature of the cosmetic problem, and the desired results.
The method of filler injection and reasons for choosing it:
Filler injection is considered an easy procedure that does not require general anesthesia. Instead, local anesthesia is applied to the area. Dr. Wael Ghanem then injects the filler under the skin. The entire session takes less than half an hour, and the results are immediate. The reason behind the popularity of filler injections is that they can be an alternative to surgical procedures in some cases, and they provide excellent results in most cases.
What are the uses of fillers?
Fillers are used in several cases, but the most common ones are:
• Reducing wrinkles and improving the appearance of the skin.
• Enhancing and plumping the lips.
• Nasal enhancement as an alternative to rhinoplasty in some cases.
• Concealing lines around the mouth and nose.
• Filling in weak areas of the face or scarred areas to improve their appearance.
Different types of fillers:
Type 1: It is a temporary type in terms of results, and it is based on hyaluronic acid, which is one of the most commonly used fillers. Its side effects are very rare and usually limited to redness and mild swelling at the injection site, which quickly fade.
Examples of hyaluronic acid fillers:
• Belotero Balance.
• Captique.
• Elevess.
• HylaForm.
• Juvederm 24HV.
• Juvederm 30.
Type 2: It is a permanent type in terms of results, and it contains synthetically manufactured substances. The advantage is that its effects last for a long period, potentially permanent. However, long-lasting fillers have negative effects if not applied correctly.
Examples of these fillers:
• Radiesse.
• Sculptra.
• Silicone.
What are the expected symptoms after filler injections, and what are the risks?
It is normal to experience some symptoms, such as redness, swelling, or pain at the injection sites, but all of these are natural and typically disappear within a day or two. Generally, filler injections do not cause severe complications or risks. However, in some cases, filler injections can lead to:
• Eye problems.
• Skin infections.
• Rashes or sores in the injected area.
• Skin allergies.
• Lumps beneath the skin, which may require corrective procedures.
• Migration of filler material to unintended areas also requires intervention to remove the filler material.
You can avoid these potential risks by ensuring accuracy when selecting the doctor who will perform the injection. Choose an experienced and skilled surgeon who specializes in cosmetic procedures, such as Dr. Wael Ghanem.
Dr. Wael Ghanem follows several precautions before injection to minimize risks and achieve the best results. Some of these precautions include:
• He conducts an allergy test before the filler injection to ensure no allergic reactions occur.
• He takes a complete medical history, including information about medications, to prevent any complications after the injection.
• He provides all necessary instructions to patients before and after the injection to ensure optimal results.
• He discusses the desired results with the patient and shows him pictures of previous patients who achieved amazing results.
Is there a difference between filler and Botox?
Both fillers and Botox are used to reduce facial wrinkles and combat signs of aging. However, Botox is a toxic substance that works to prevent muscle contractions in the face, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles. On the other hand, fillers are several materials that may be natural or synthetic and are, used to fill in hollow areas beneath the skin. Botox is typically used in specific areas, such as the forehead and between the eyebrows, to reduce wrinkles around the eyes. On the other hand, fillers are used around the mouth, lips, nose, or under the eyes.
Filler injection procedure:
Dr. Wael Ghanem applies a local anesthetic to the area where the filler will be injected. Afterward, he identifies the specific locations for the filler injection. Once the anesthetic takes effect, the filler is injected into the desired areas. This procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, and you can return home immediately afterward.
Results of the filler procedure:
You can notice the results of the injection immediately. However, the final results appear after 2 weeks, when the swelling completely subsides. The duration of the temporary filler results ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending on the type of filler used. The results do not disappear immediately but gradually fade over time. You can repeat the injection process when needed.
Tips for the recovery period after filler injection:
Dr. Wael Ghanem emphasizes the importance of following certain instructions after the injection process to achieve the best results. These instructions include:
• Avoid sun exposure for at least 2 days after the injection, and use a high-SPF sunscreen.
• Avoid using facial scrubs or cosmetic products.
• Avoid intense physical exertion or vigorous exercise during the first few days after the injection.
• Take the prescribed pain medication to alleviate any discomfort.
• Apply cold compresses to the face to reduce swelling.
• Avoid touching or rubbing the injected area for at least 24 hours.
Are you interested in achieving a more youthful appearance? You can now book an appointment with Dr. Wael Ghanem, a plastic and reconstructive surgery consultant, to help you choose the appropriate type of filler for your case. For further inquiries and reservations, contact us.