Hair transplantation has become one of the most common and successful cosmetic procedures. With numerous successful experiences in hair, eyebrow, and beard transplantation. Many people, both men and women of different ages, go for hair transplantation for cosmetic reasons or because of hair loss. In this article, we will explore the various techniques, steps, and results of hair transplantation, so follow us.
Hair transplantation procedure:
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair is transferred from the scalp or other areas that contain stable hair to areas suffering from baldness or permanent and temporary hair loss. The procedure is performed using different techniques, that allow limited surgical intervention and precise results, which treat and beautify areas of baldness resulting from:
• Hair loss may be due to tension, stress, and fatigue.
• Noticeable hair loss after severe dieting and surgical procedures.
• Hormonal imbalances that occur at different stages of life.
• Viral and fungal infections may affect the scalp.
• Some medications used to treat health conditions, such as gout and arthritis, may cause hair loss as a side effect.
• Some health conditions cause hair loss, such as hypothyroidism, anemia, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Hair transplantation and genetic baldness:
Genetic baldness is one of the most common types of hair loss, affecting both men and women, but it affects men much more than women. It occurs due to the body's production of enzymes that convert male hormones into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which shrinks hair follicles and eventually causes hair loss. In men, all hair on the head may fall out, but the prevailing pattern of hair loss affects hair from the front and top. In women, genetic baldness appears as hair loss all over the scalp, reducing hair density. The stable areas of the scalp that do not suffer from hair loss are called donor areas, and hair can be taken from them. Donor areas are usually located at the back of the head and behind the ears.
Candidates for hair transplantation:
Anyone who wants to improve his appearance and increase his self-confidence, whether a man or woman, can undergo hair transplantation in the following cases:
• Men suffering from male pattern baldness.
• Women suffering from hair thinning.
• Scarred areas resulting from accidents or burns, such as chemical burns.
• People who have lost a lot of hair after physical and emotional shocks.

Surgery is not a good option in the following cases:
• People whose hair falls out due to chemotherapy.
• People who suffer from hair loss and do not have enough donor areas.
• People who have thick scars that do not accept transplanted hair.
Preparing for a hair transplant:
Certain procedures must be followed to ensure that the process is performed correctly, including:
• Firstly, Dr. Wael Ghanem identifies the reason for undertaking the surgery to determine the expected results and goals.
• He identifies the general health condition and whether there is any sensitivity to anesthesia and medical treatments.
• Current use of medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and blood thinners should be avoided two weeks before surgery.
• Dr. Wael Ghanem may request some blood tests to ensure that no health condition affects the patient's health during and after surgery or causes hair loss, which could fail the surgery.
• Dr. Wael Ghanem discusses available techniques, options, and alternatives.
• Dr. Wael Ghanem examines the scalp tissue.
• Dr. Wael Ghanem ensures that the patient has a complete understanding of the side effects of the procedure, the possible complications, and how to deal with them.
How to perform a hair transplant?
The hair transplant procedure is performed in Dr. Wael Ghanem's clinic and does not require a hospital. It is performed under local anesthesia and goes through the following steps:
• Thoroughly clean the scalp.
• Use small needles to anesthetize the scalp with local anesthesia.
• Partial or total hair shaving, depending on the technique used.
• Using a needle, Dr. Wael Ghanem makes precise holes in the areas that need hair transplantation, known as recipient areas.
• Then, he transplants hundreds or thousands of hairs according to the size of the area and the required hair density.
• After the procedure, Dr. Wael Ghanem covers the hair and scalp with bandages for a few days.
Hair transplant techniques:
There are various techniques for hair transplantation, including:
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) technique:
In this technique, a rectangular part of the scalp is removed using a scalpel, and Dr. Wael Ghanem divides it into hundreds of small grafts, each containing several follicles to be divided according to the needs of the area that requires hair. Then, these grafts are transplanted into the recipient area, and the surgical incision is closed in the donor area with stitches. This technique results in a permanent, unnoticeable scar on the scalp and is suitable for large bald areas.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique:
In this technique, larger parts of the scalp are shaved to extract hair from different areas, and individual follicles are extracted manually or mechanically. This technique does not result in any scars and does not require any stitches. It is suitable for transplanting small areas such as eyebrows or the front hairline in men and hair gaps in women.
New graft technique:
This is the most advanced technique of FUE, in which a precise pen-like device is used to accurately extract hair follicles. This technique is characterized by its precision and speed without the risk of damaging or losing hair follicles, and it saves a lot of time because it removes follicles quickly and gently.
Does a hair transplant require repeated sessions?
In most cases, hair transplantation takes place in one session only, and it may require another session at most when transplanting a large area, such as complete baldness. Some people may need three to four sessions; each session is performed after a full month between sessions to allow the hair and the transplanted area to heal.

Duration of the hair transplant procedure:
The surgery can be completed within 3 to 6 hours at most, depending on the area to be transplanted, the technique used, and the number of hair follicles to be transplanted.
Recovery after hair transplant:
After completing the surgery, Dr. Wael Ghanem prescribes some medications and recommends some tips, including:
• Taking antibiotics or using topical antibiotic creams and ointments to prevent infection during the healing period.
• The transplanted area may swell slightly, so Dr. Wael Ghanem recommends anti-inflammatory medications.
• Most people can return to work a few days after the surgery, but it is recommended to take a week off until the surgical area starts to recover, according to the degree of surgical intervention.
• The surgery is not painful, but some mild pain may occur during the early recovery period. Therefore, Dr. Wael Ghanem recommends taking pain relievers for a few days.
• Dr. Wael Ghanem recommends using some medications, such as minoxidil and finasteride, to promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles sufficiently to slow down and stop hair loss, and enhance the ability of the transplanted follicle to survive.
• In some cases, Dr. Wael Ghanem may prescribe plasma sessions after the recovery period to promote hair growth, increase density, and ensure a speedy recovery and the survival and stability of the follicles.
Results of a hair transplant:
The results appear immediately after the surgery, but the transplanted hair may fall out naturally within 2 to 3 weeks to be replaced by new hair growing from the transplanted follicles. The final results and new hair may appear within 8 to 12 months after the surgery, and the results last forever.
Are there any risks of hair transplant?
Any surgical procedure may produce some side effects, but in the case of hair transplantation, some minor side effects may occur and disappear within days or weeks, including:
• Bruising at transplanted sites.
• Temporary numbness in the scalp.
• Bruising around the eyes.
• Scabs around the transplanted hair or the hair that has been removed.
• Infection, which can be avoided by taking antibiotics before and after the surgery.
• Mild swelling and bleeding at the injection sites may appear as small red bruises.
• Inflammation of hair follicles.
• Temporary hair loss due to shock is normal.
• Abnormal hair strands may appear, which depends on the doctor's experience in hair transplants and choosing the ideal donor areas.
Dear reader, after we have reviewed the steps of the hair transplantation procedure and learned about its various techniques, we hope we have provided you with sufficient answers to all your questions. If you have any further inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Wael Ghanem's center.