Self-Fat Injection

Self-Fat Injection

Self-Fat Injection

Self-Fat Injection

Is self-fat injection permanent? It is one of the most common questions before experiencing a self-fat injection. Like any other cosmetic procedure, the quality, speed of results, and duration are undoubtedly the most important concerns for those undergoing it. Therefore, let us tell you whether self-fat injection is permanent and the most important aspects related to it.
What is the self-fat injection, and who can experience it?
A self-fat injection is a cosmetic procedure that aims to inject fat into body areas that need fullness, such as the breasts, buttocks, and face. Fat is obtained by suctioning it from the person’s body, so the procedure does not cause any sensitivity because it is completely natural. This is the most distinguishing feature of self-fat injection and can be performed in the following cases:
• People who are dissatisfied with one of their body areas that lacks plumpness.
• People who do not have a health condition that prevents them from performing the procedure.
• Non-smokers are the best candidates for the procedure.
It is not possible to experience the procedure in the following cases:
• Thinness and lack of body fat.
• Heart and diabetes diseases.
• Circulatory disorders.
• Poor wound healing.
• Severe kidney or liver disorders.
Uses of self-fat injection:
• Women who wish to increase breast size naturally and obtain natural results.
• People who wish to inject fat into the buttocks and hips to obtain a proportionate figure.
• Used after breast augmentation surgery in cases of uneven results to fill the gaps in the upper part of the breast when needed.
• Used in breast reconstruction surgeries after mastectomy or after breast lift surgeries to add some plumpness.
• Solving facial problems such as wrinkles and fine lines, frown and smile lines, sunken areas around the eyes, and facial scars.
• Used to enlarge lips, treat wrinkles around the nose, and enlarge the cheeks.
Preparing for self-fat injection:
Before the procedure, a consultation session with Dr. Wael Ghanem is required to discuss the purpose of the surgery and evaluate the patient's medical history. The expected side effects are also discussed, along with how to deal with them, and the time of the results' appearance, and he recommends the following:
• Maintain physical activity before the procedure.
• Drink plenty of water before and after the procedure to support the results.
• Stop taking blood thinners such as stimulants, aspirin, and herbal supplements.
• Take antibiotics to prevent infection.

Steps of self-fat injection:
The self-fat injection procedure involves three main steps as follows:
1- Liposuction:
Dr. Wael Ghanem makes a surgical incision that does not exceed half a centimeter with minimal surgical intervention.
• The liposuction process is done using the VASER technique, which uses ultrasound waves to gently handle the fat and melt it without damaging nerves and blood vessels.
• Then he inserts the liposuction instrument.
• The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes only 1 to 3 hours.
• The technique is characterized by its ability to tighten the skin and sculpt the liposuctioned area due to the temperature that stimulates the skin to produce new collagen fibers. The results of liposuction appear immediately after the surgery.
2- Preparing the fat for injection:
The fat is placed in a centrifuge to purify it, remove other cells and blood, filter it from fluids, and sterilize it. Then, the fat is placed into special syringes and preserved for use.
3- Fat injection:
Injection sessions can take place at the same time or after the procedure is completed. The doctor places the fat in special needles and injects it under the skin in deep, hollow areas and under wrinkles that need fat.

Recovery period and how to limit fat absorption:
After the procedure of self-fat injection, the areas of injection and liposuction may experience some bruising and swelling, which can last from a week to two weeks. The fat cells need about three to four months for complete integration into the body; therefore, it is essential to strictly follow the recovery instructions to ensure that most of the fat cells survive. Before answering the question of whether self-fat injection is permanent, the following instructions limit fat absorption and ensure a better recovery:
Appropriate Clothing: After the surgery, it is necessary to wear a compression garment for at least 6 weeks in liposuction areas. Loose-fitting clothing should be worn in injected areas to prevent pressure on the fat cells and their death. Avoiding tight-fitting clothing for at least 3 months is necessary to allow the fat cells to stabilize in the body.
Fat Nutrition: The body needs additional calories to maintain the fat percentage in the body and provide the fat cells with the necessary nutrients and blood supply. Therefore, you must consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals needed for general health during the recovery period. In addition, adding healthy fats to the diet is crucial, including salmon, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, and nuts.
Sleeping Position: Pressure exposes the fat cells to death, so it is important to avoid sleeping in the injection area for at least a month. Sleeping on the back is recommended after a fat injection in the chest or face, and sleeping on the sides is recommended after a fat injection in the buttocks. Pillows should be placed on both sides of the body to prevent turning over during sleep.
Avoid driving: If you have experienced a self-fat injection to the buttocks, you should avoid driving for at least two weeks, preferably up to two months, to ensure that a higher percentage of fat remains. Sitting for long periods and using your feet while driving increase pressure on the fat and reduce its chances of survival.
Quit smoking: Quitting smoking is one of the most important things to do when undergoing any surgical procedure since it affects the body's blood flow, hinders the delivery of oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream to the tissues, and reduces the body's ability to heal.
Delaying exercise: Exercise helps to increase the flow of fluids to the body by activating the circulatory system and increasing the body's efficiency in burning fat. Hence, strenuous and vigorous exercise should be avoided for up to two months after the procedure to avoid the death of the fat. During this time, it is sufficient to walk lightly to avoid leg clots and pressure on the injection sites.
Undergoing platelet-rich plasma sessions: The doctor may recommend platelet-rich plasma sessions to ensure a speedy recovery, as they work to heal tissues, enhance blood flow, and ensure blood supply to fats.
Drinking plenty of water: Drinking water is essential to keep the body hydrated. Drinking sugar-free fresh juices helps activate the circulatory system, ensure water reaches the fat, and flush out harmful fluids from the body.
Maintaining a stable weight: Losing weight may reduce the amount of fat, so avoid strict diets and weight fluctuations as they will expose the body to fat loss, especially when performing high-impact exercises such as running or high-intensity cardio workouts.
Is self-fat injection permanent?
The answer depends on the degree of response to the doctor's instructions during the recovery period and the body's absorption rate of fat, which varies from person to person. However, in most cases, the fat survives at a percentage ranging from 20% to 80%. The body absorbs some of the fat in the first three months, and this percentage also varies from person to person. After six months, the remaining fat can be considered natural fat.
However, the face is one of the first parts of the body to be affected by aging. As time passes, the skin becomes looser, wrinkles increase, and the quality of the skin decreases due to its inability to produce collagen fibers. Therefore, it is natural for fat in the face to decrease as well, and fat injections in the face should be repeated when necessary to maintain the results. So the answer to whether self-fat injection is permanent is not a definite "yes" or "no."
In the end, you need an experienced plastic surgeon to achieve the best results, Prof. Dr. Wael Ghanem, a plastic surgery consultant and congenital defect repair specialist.

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