Vascular birthmarks are colored marks on the skin that appear at birth or shortly after. They can appear anywhere on the body and may or may not be hereditary. Vascular birthmarks result from the abnormal accumulation of blood vessels, causing them to cluster abnormally. They occur due to deformities in the blood vessels and can appear in newborns on the face, chest, or back.
The risks of vascular birthmarks include bleeding due to trauma or injury. They can also be internally connected, which exposes the child to internal bleeding when blood pressure increases within the blood vessels during growth. Some vascular birthmarks may rupture and cause internal bleeding. Therefore, it is important to identify the abnormal spread of the vascular birthmark and determine its connection to the skull, chest, abdomen, or even deep veins in the legs and arms through techniques such as an MRI or CT scan.
What are the causes of vascular birthmarks?
Different types of birthmarks have different causes. It is important to dispel some myths and understand that birthmarks do not form because the pregnant woman ignores food cravings, touches her belly when anxious, or eats specific foods. These are just myths. We still do not know exactly why birthmarks form, and the underlying cause of their formation remains unknown. While some children are more likely to develop birthmarks, there is no way to know if a child will have a birthmark.
Are vascular birthmarks dangerous?
Most of these birthmarks do not cause concern, but they may cause cosmetic discomfort as the child grows or expose him to bleeding or infection.
Targeted areas for birthmark removal:
Usually, birthmarks located on the face, scalp, and neck are removed because they are highly noticeable on the body and may cause psychological embarrassment or bullying. Birthmarks can be removed from any part of the body, but if they are in a significantly non-visible location, they probably won't need to be removed.
When should you be concerned about a vascular birthmark?
• Birthmark is close to the eye, nose, or mouth, as it may affect vital functions. For example, an upper eyelid birthmark can affect vision.
• The growth of large hemangiomas internally threatens the health of the child's organs.
• Birthmarks located below the skin near the spinal cord affect nerves and blood flow to the spinal cord.
• Birthmark becomes larger, darker, or more nodular.
• The birthmark is painful.
• Vascular birthmarks can cause anemia in children as they consume hemoglobin and platelets. They can also cause clotting, blood flow, and hemoglobin level problems.
Treatment of vascular birthmarks:
10% to 20% of the birthmarks do not require treatment. However, others may need treatment, so it is important to examine the birthmark and monitor its growth. Dr. Wael Ghanem, a consultant in plastic surgery and congenital defect repair, ensures careful observation of the birthmark and checks for any changes.
The treatment varies depending on the nature of the birthmark. Possible treatments for birthmarks include the following:
1. Medication:
• Beta-blockers: In some cases, Dr. Wael Ghanem may prescribe beta-blockers, which are commonly used for hypertension as they constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to a specific area, making some birthmarks, such as hemangiomas in children, less prominent by reducing blood flow to them, slowing their growth, and lightening their color. Some of the commonly used beta-blockers include:
Propranolol: This medication can prevent the growth of vascular birthmarks and reduce their size. It has proven effective in treating children with large vascular hemangiomas. This medication has been approved for the treatment of this type of birthmark. It is taken orally, and the dosage varies depending on the condition.
Timolol: This medication can also help reduce the growing vascular hemangioma. It comes in liquid form and can be applied topically to the child's birthmark.
The child usually needs the medication for 14 to 18 months to see the final results, which should be permanent. Then, Dr. Wael Ghanem gradually reduces the dosage of the medication.
• Corticosteroids: This medication can be used to shrink blood vessels and reduce hemangiomas in childhood. Dr. Wael Ghanem injects the hemangioma with corticosteroids locally, without any risks from cortisone.
2. Laser treatment:
Laser treatment can significantly remove or lighten birthmarks, making them less noticeable.
• This type of treatment is performed by Dr. Wael Ghanem using high-intensity pulsed light that can be adjusted in strength. Heat and light are used to make the birthmark smaller and lighter in color. Laser sessions work best if they are started in the first few months of life.
• The laser light converts to heat, which reduces or eliminates the blood vessels, making the birthmark less visible.
• Laser treatment may be more successful when started during childhood, but it can also be used with older children and adults.
• Some studies have shown that it is possible to completely remove vascular birthmarks with laser treatment.
• Laser treatments are comfortable, only require local anesthesia and last no more than 5 minutes. They often lead to permanent results.
• Two types of lasers are used, depending on the type of birthmark. The first is the Candela V-Beam Perfecta Pulsed-Dye Laser, which is used in cases of superficial birthmarks, and the other is the YAG Laser, which targets deeper blood vessels. In some cases, both types are used in the same session.
• The number of sessions varies from case to case, and the larger the vascular birthmark, the more sessions may be required. Dr. Wael Ghanem determines the treatment period, usually with a rate of one session every month.
• Laser results are permanent, and laser treatment is completely safe without any risks or future complications. It has also been found that combining laser sessions with medication treatment achieves remarkable results.
3. Surgical treatment:
Surgery for birthmarks is usually performed if the birthmark is very large. It can be done under general anesthesia through a simple cosmetic procedure to remove the birthmark. Surgery achieves permanent results.
Does the treatment of vascular birthmarks leave any scars?
There are no scars after the treatment of vascular birthmarks due to several reasons:
1. Choosing the most skilled surgeon, Prof. Dr. Wael Ghanem.
2. Early treatment.
3. Choosing the appropriate treatment method for the case, which you can be sure of when choosing Dr. Wael Ghanem to treat your child.
4. Continuous follow-up.
5. Adherence to the treatment until its completion.
Prof. Dr. Wael Ghanem, consultant of plastic surgery and congenital defect repair, is the best plastic surgeon in Egypt, as he applies the latest technologies used in the world to deal with vascular birthmarks and provides you with all treatment options, regardless of the type of blood birthmark, after an accurate diagnosis to determine the treatment method that suits your child.