Arm tightening is one of the most common body tightening procedures. The arms are prone to fat accumulation and sagging, and one of the most frequently asked questions is about the effects and results of arm tightening surgery. In the following article, we will learn about the most important things related to the arm lift procedure, how to perform it, and how it can help you achieve the desired appearance.
Arm tightening procedure:
Arm tightening is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia to remove excess skin under the arms that is difficult to get rid of through natural methods such as sports. As one ages or loses weight, the skin loses its ability to return to its natural state, even with exercise. However, arm tightening surgery eliminates sagging, removes excess skin, and gives the body a tighter and more attractive appearance.
Candidates for arm lift surgery:
Anyone who wants to get rid of sagging under the arms, including both men and women, and who meets certain conditions can undergo arm tightening surgery:
• They should have lost excess weight and maintained a stable weight for at least one year.
• They should not be heavy smokers or should be able to stop smoking for the duration specified by the doctor.
• They should not plan to lose weight in the future.
• They should not have any health conditions that complicate the surgery or cause complications.
• They should not have a history of poor wound healing or be allergic to anesthesia or surgical instruments.
• They should not have had arm surgery recently before the procedure.
• They should have specific and clear goals for undergoing the surgery.

Preparation for an arm lift:
Before undergoing arm tightening surgery, thorough preparation is necessary to ensure that the person is an ideal candidate. Professor Dr. Wael Ghanem, a plastic and reconstructive surgery consultant, performs the following steps:
• The doctor obtains an accurate medical history of the person.
• The doctor determines the person's goals for the surgery.
• The doctor evaluates the patient's overall health.
• The doctor requests blood tests and organ function tests to identify risk factors.
• The doctor identifies the medications the person has been taking in the period before the surgery.
• The doctor explains the side effects and complications and how to deal with them.
• The doctor takes photos of the arms and documents them in the medical record for later evaluations.
• The doctor recommends quitting smoking for at least two weeks, as it impairs wound healing and hinders blood flow.
• The doctor advises against taking blood-thinning substances, as they pose bleeding risks, including ibuprofen, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory medications.
• The doctor recommends taking antibiotics to prevent infection.
How is arm tightening surgery performed?
Arm tightening surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Before the surgery, the person undergoes tests to measure blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and anesthesia. Then the person takes some sedatives to feel relaxed and avoid discomfort. Intravenous fluids are administered, and the procedure proceeds as follows:
• Professor Dr. Wael Ghanem draws lines under the arms to determine the areas that need skin tightening.
• He makes a surgical incision extending from below the armpits to the elbows. If sagging extends along the arms, the incision is longer.
• He inserts the surgical instruments to tighten the loose tissues, cut excess skin, and possibly remove some excess fat.
• The surgical incision is closed with precise cosmetic stitches, and adhesive tapes are applied.
• Tubes to drain fluids are attached to the surgical incisions below the skin.
Arm lift procedure effects:
The arm lift procedure can have some side effects that can occur with any surgical procedure and are considered a natural body response to healing. However, it is important to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon to perform the surgery to avoid any complications. The effects of arm lift surgery include:
Fluid accumulation: The body produces a lot of fluids to heal after tissue removal. Therefore, the surgeon places drainage tubes to prevent fluid buildup. These tubes should be emptied from time to time and cleaned to avoid contamination of the surgical incisions. Factors that help in fluid drainage include wearing arm compression garments, occasional walking to stimulate blood circulation, and drinking plenty of water.
Swelling and redness: Temporary swelling and redness are common effects of arm lift surgery and usually subside within a few days or weeks as the incisions heal. To reduce swelling, it is advisable to avoid sodium in food, sleep in an inclined position with the head supported by pillows, and wear compression garments.
Pain: Pain can be experienced after any surgical procedure, and individual pain responses vary. It can be managed with pain relievers recommended by the doctor. It is important to adhere to the prescribed pain medication, even for mild pain within normal limits. Severe pain accompanied by unusual or excessive discharge may indicate an infection.
Surgical scars: Surgical scars are a common effect of arm lift surgery. Initially, the scar appears as a red wound that persists during the recovery period, typically lasting for a month after the surgery. Within the first three months, it gradually turns pink and continues to fade until it matches the skin color, becoming less noticeable. To promote proper healing, it is important to follow certain measures, including:
• Clean the surgical incisions and empty the drainage tubes to prevent the accumulation of fluids and speed up the recovery.
• Wearing compression garments helps drain fluids, tighten the skin, and protect the surgical incision.
• Avoid smoking and pollutants to prevent wound-healing complications.
• Applying topical antibiotics.
• Avoid lifting heavy objects or raising the arms above shoulder level.
• Once the surgical incisions have healed, they should be well moisturized with the recommended moisturizing gels and creams.
• Consume foods that promote collagen and tissue healing, such as vitamin C and protein.
Arm lift procedure results:
Arm lift surgery results are immediate and noticeable right after the surgery. Results are long-lasting and may only be naturally affected by factors of aging. The results continue to improve gradually as the incisions heal. The effects of surgical scars resulting from arm lift surgery gradually fade over a year, becoming part of the body's tissue and appearing as a thin line that is difficult to notice. There are various medical methods to eliminate them.
To maintain the results of arm lift surgery, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, avoid weight gain, and prevent weight fluctuations. Regular exercise is recommended, and quitting smoking is preferred as it increases the risk of early aging and skin sagging.
Finally, dear reader, after learning about the arm lift procedure and its benefits, we hope we have provided sufficient answers to all your questions and inquiries. If you have more questions or need further clarification, contact Dr. Wael Ghanem, the best plastic surgery consultant in Egypt.