Enjoying a tight and smooth abdomen with visible abdominal muscles has become a dream for many of us. Since natural remedies for getting rid of saggy skin are often ineffective, tummy tuck surgery has become a reliable and faster solution, especially after childbirth or significant weight loss. Let's explore together the steps, results, and techniques involved in the tummy tuck procedure.
Tummy Tuck Procedure:
A tummy tuck, known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure for eliminating various types of abdominal sagging in the upper and lower regions while reducing and highlighting the waistline. It is suitable for individuals with severe sagging that cannot be addressed through natural methods and requires surgical intervention. The procedure successfully addresses skin sagging, tightens the internal tissues of the abdomen, and repairs muscles. The duration of the surgery typically ranges from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the degree of sagging.
Who can benefit from a tummy tuck?
Tummy tuck surgery is ideal for individuals experiencing severe sagging and dissatisfaction with their appearance, regardless of gender. The following criteria should be met:
• The person should be at least 18 years old.
• He should not be a smoker or be able to quit smoking before and after the surgery.
• He must not be in the recovery period of a previous abdominal surgery .
• He should have severe or moderate sagging.
• His weight should be within the normal range, with a body mass index (BMI) not exceeding 30.
• The person should be in good health and free from life-threatening health issues.
The tummy tuck procedure addresses the following:
• Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation) after childbirth or sports injuries.
• Severe sagging after childbirth.
• Stretch marks.
• Cesarean section scars, which can be replaced with inconspicuous cosmetic scars.
Preoperative guidelines for tummy tuck surgery:
Before the tummy tuck, the person undergoes a consultation session with Dr. Wael Ghanem, a consultant in plastic surgery and congenital defect repair. The person's suitability for the procedure is determined based on the following:
• Family and personal medical history.
• History of medication and previous surgeries.
• Weight and dietary history.
• Degree of sagging, as some individuals may not require surgery for their condition.
• Evaluation of overall health and the presence of risk factors.
After determining the person's suitability for the procedure, the doctor may request the following:
• Blood tests.
• Allergy tests to identify drug sensitivities.
• Identification of wound healing history or anesthesia allergies.
• Some physical examinations.
Pre-surgical guidelines to ensure a safe procedure and a healthy recovery:
• Avoid taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin and ibuprofen for two weeks before and after the surgery.
• Avoid consuming herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs, as they can cause bleeding.
• Antibiotics should be taken before and after the surgery to prevent any infections from spreading.
• Avoid smoking for at least two weeks before and after the procedure, as it impairs healing.
• Understand the potential side effects and how to manage them to avoid complications.
• The doctor provides instructions for the recovery period.
Tummy tuck techniques:
Several techniques are available for performing a tummy tuck procedure, each suitable for different types and locations of sagging. The techniques include:
Mini tummy tuck:
This technique is performed when there is sagging in the lower part of the abdomen only, below the navel and surrounding area. A horizontal surgical incision is made in the lower abdomen, above the pubic region, to tighten the tissues and eliminate the sagging.
Full tummy tuck:
This technique is performed when sagging is present in both the lower and upper abdomen. The surgeon makes 2 surgical incisions—one below the abdomen, also horizontally between the hip bones, and the other around the navel—to tighten the upper part of the abdomen and eliminate sagging around the navel.
Circumferential tummy tuck:
This technique is suitable for individuals with severe sagging after significant weight loss or weight loss following bariatric surgeries such as gastric sleeve. A circular surgical incision is made below the abdomen to eliminate sagging on the sides, lower back, buttocks, and abdomen. The surgeon may also make a vertical incision in the middle of the abdomen, intersecting with the navel, to address sagging around the waist, repair internal abdominal muscles, and tighten loose tissues and ligaments, especially if there are skin ripples and lumps.
Reverse tummy tuck:
This technique is suitable for individuals who have sagging in the upper part of the abdomen while the lower part is taut. A surgical incision is made below the chest to eliminate the sagging. The breasts can also be lifted in the same procedure without making an additional incision.
Tummy tuck with liposuction:
This procedure is usually performed when a full tummy tuck is necessary, and there is a significant amount of fat below the abdomen or throughout the abdomen, as the fat cannot be eliminated without liposuction. The procedure is performed in two stages. After liposuction, the tummy is tightened.
Tummy tuck steps:
The process of abdominoplasty involves the following steps:
In this stage, blood pressure and glucose levels are measured, and an anesthesia sensitivity test is done. Then the body is anesthetized with either a local or general anesthetic, depending on the doctor's decision and the individual's preference. The body is then supplied with fluids to prevent fluid loss and a sedative to relax the body and muscles, thus minimizing discomfort.
Surgical incisions:
The surgeon makes a surgical incision in the lower abdomen, either horizontally or vertically, according to the technique, after marking lines on the abdomen to define its dimensions.
Abdominal muscle tightening:
The abdomen is lifted upward to allow the surgeon to access the muscles and remove excess fat. The torn or loose muscles are then repaired and secured with dissolvable sutures from the inside. The abdomen is then lowered again, and the skin is tightened. Then Dr. Wael Ghanem removes excess skin, tightens loose tissues, connective tissues, and ligaments, and fixes both ends of the surgical incision with stitches and staples.
Once the abdomen is secured with staples and sutures and drainage tubes are inserted, the results become immediately visible, and all excess skin is eliminated. The surgical incision is covered with adhesive tape and a dressing. After several hours of medical observation, the individual can return home the following day or even the same day.
Recovery after abdominoplasty:
After undergoing an abdominoplasty procedure under general anesthesia, the person should have a full day of complete rest and should follow several instructions, including the following:
• Taking anticoagulants and anti-nausea medications.
• Taking antibiotics to prevent infection.
• Avoid blood-thinning medications.
• Taking painkillers.
• Applying topical antibiotics to the surgical incisions.
• After the surgical incisions heal, frequently apply moisturizers daily to prevent scarring.
• Apply the creams recommended by the doctor to reduce swelling.
Consume a healthy diet that promotes healing and aids in the recovery of surgical incisions, including:
• Eat foods rich in vitamin C as citrus fruits, red peppers, and strawberries.
• Consume protein to enhance collagen production and assist skin healing.
• Eat foods that reduce inflammation, such as pineapple.
• Avoid foods high in sodium.
• Drink plenty of water to stimulate blood circulation.
During the recovery period:
• Wear comfortable, wide cotton clothing to make it easy to take off and put on.
• Wear buttoned clothes to avoid raising your arms or putting pressure on the wound.
• Wear a compression garment for 6 weeks, as it helps drain fluids resulting from surgery and applies pressure to the skin for faster body healing.
Care for surgical incisions:
Take the following measures to prevent the surgical incisions from developing scars and to improve the appearance of the wound after abdominoplasty:
• Apply the ointments recommended by the doctor for anti-swelling and antibiotic purposes.
• Clean and disinfect the wound.
• Empty and clean the drainage tubes.
• Wear clean clothing to prevent contamination.
• Monitor the surgical incisions and avoid applying pressure, peeling, or scratching them.
Movement and sleep:
Consider the following during the recovery period:
• Sleep on your back to prevent swelling and edema and avoid putting pressure on the wound.
• Start mild walking every hour starting the next day to prevent abdominal stiffness and fluid accumulation.
• Resume the daily activities after 10 days.
• Start light exercises after a month, as the wound will fully recover.
• Avoid vigorous and strenuous activities for 3 months.
Cost of abdominoplasty:
The average cost of abdominoplasty in Western and Arab countries is around $5,000, while in Egypt, it ranges from 65,000 to 85,000 Egyptian pounds, depending on the degree of correction required.
Results of abdominoplasty:
The results of abdominoplasty are immediately visible after the surgery and progress as follows:
• Initially, the side effects may mask some of the results, but the difference in the size and appearance of the abdomen can be observed shortly after the surgery.
• As some side effects subside within 10 days, the abdominal appearance improves further.
• After a month, the surgical incision heals, and the results become more noticeable, with most of the side effects resolving and only minor bruising remaining.
• All bruising disappears, and the belly becomes natural within the third month.
• After the third month, the surgical scar becomes pink and gradually evolves to match the skin color within six months to a year or more.
Side effects of abdominoplasty:
Abdominoplasty is a highly safe procedure with no significant health risks. However, it is normal to experience some side effects after the surgery as a natural response to the healing process. These side effects should not be a cause for concern but take care of your health to avoid complications. Some of the possible side effects include:
• Swelling.
• Redness.
• Bruising.
• Draining of fluids.
• Uneven results if an inexperienced doctor performed the surgery.
• Poor wound healing is rare and more likely to occur in smokers.
• Bleeding can occur after any surgery and can be controlled with the necessary precautions during and after the surgery.
• Infection can occur due to medical negligence or failure to take antibiotics.
In conclusion, now that we have covered the steps involved in abdominoplasty and the main results, we hope we have provided sufficient answers to all your questions and inquiries. If you have more questions or need further clarification, contact Dr. Wael Ghanem's center, the best plastic surgeon in Egypt.