Neck Lift Procedure

Neck Lift Procedure

Neck lift to get rid of neck wrinkles

Neck Lift Procedure

Neck lift surgery, also known as neck rejuvenation, focuses on tightening the skin and underlying tissues in the neck area. This procedure effectively eliminates signs of aging. You can get rid of neck sagging and achieve well-defined muscles through neck lift surgery.
Cases suitable for neck lift surgery:
Treating saggy neck skin.
Treating a neck with excess fat.
Removing excess skin and neck fat.
Neck lift surgery:
For some individuals, the only treatment option is neck lift surgery. This is necessary for those with excessive skin folds or fat accumulation in the neck area, such as the double chin, which may be indicative of severe obesity or genetic factors related to general obesity.
Preparations before neck lift surgery:
An initial diagnosis is required to assess the thickness and texture of the skin and the amount of fatty tissue beneath it.
Certain cases may require additional procedures, such as face and brow lifts or liposuction, to achieve optimal results.
The person undergoes a complete blood count (CBC) test and other blood tests. Older individuals may need X-rays or stress electrocardiography (ECG) testing.
Guidelines for neck lift surgery:
Avoid consuming alcohol 48 hours before the surgery.
Fast continuously for 8 hours before the surgery.

Procedure for neck lift surgery:
Sterilize the area.
Make an incision in the skin behind the ear,exactly in the hairline area to remove the skin folds from the neck, lifting the skin to reveal the muscles and tissues beneath.
Tighten the neck muscles and suture the skin without removing it.
Then remove excess fat and skin.
After neck lift surgery:
Apply elastic dressings to the neck.
Insert a tube in the area to drain fluids and blood.
Duration of the surgery:
Neck lift surgery typically takes 2 to 3 hours, but it can take longer depending on the type of procedure involved.
Post-operative care for neck lift surgery:
The patient requires special care for 24 hours after the neck lift surgery. Elastic dressings are applied and removed after 3 days, while stitches are removed after 10 days. The patient fully recovers in two weeks.
Tips for neck lift surgery:
Avoid bending the neck excessively.
Avoid excessive facial and neck muscle exertion.
Avoid exercising for the first three days after the surgery.
Take painkillers as needed.
The success of neck lift surgery:
This procedure has a very high success rate, and the recovery period varies from person to person. In most cases, the results of the surgery become visible several months after the procedure.

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